Illinois Hearing Officer’s Opinion on Donald Trump Eligibility: A Closer Look


In a recent development, a former Republican judge, Clark Erickson, appointed to assess whether former President Donald J. Trump should be disqualified from the Illinois primary ballot, delivered a mixed opinion. Erickson believes that Donald Trump engaged in insurrection by attempting to remain in office after the 2020 election but argues that the State Board … Read more

The Impact of DeSantis’ Exit on Nikki Haley’s New Hampshire Strategy


The dynamics of the presidential primary race have taken an unexpected turn with Ron DeSantis’ withdrawal and subsequent endorsement of Donald Trump. This development has significant implications for Nikki Haley’s campaign in New Hampshire, altering the landscape and posing new challenges for the former South Carolina governor. Ron DeSantis’ exit could hurt Nikki Haley’s in … Read more

Donald Trump Leads in New Hampshire Primary: Analysis of Washington Post-Monmouth Poll

Donald Trump

The race for the Republican presidential nomination in New Hampshire has intensified, with the latest Washington Post-Monmouth University poll revealing intriguing insights into the dynamics between the top contenders. In this comprehensive analysis, we delve into the numbers and trends, examining how Donald Donald Trump maintains a clear lead over Nikki Haley in the upcoming … Read more