How much is the nurses salary in California?

Will you like to know how much do nurses salary in California? So get ready! Here you can find out the answer to this question together with many more visions about nurse salaries in California from 2021 to 2022. So that can you move your decision about where to study and where to apply for a job.

This nurse income guide helps to give you a view of what the data says about nurse salaries and how you can negotiate for healthier pay and grow your nursing career!

nurses salary

California is a severely populated state, and because of this, it is family to thousands of hospitals, tens of thousands of doctors’ offices, and many nursing homes, home care agencies, reintegration facilities, and other medical centers. Pays of nurses in the US are among the best in the world. But Through CA, the cities with the largest populations are also those with the main demand for Nurses. Los Angeles has the major population in the state at approx. 4.03 million, facilities almost 3 times more RNs than any other city at 102,330. San Francisco, with a population of 870,887, hires 35480 Registered nurses.

Emergency rooms and ICUs have the largest request for nurses, so cities with more of these will obviously service more nurses. Being the most populated state in the U.S., California is a major engagement center and top paying state for Nurses. There is a large number of nursing schools in California, making it a common and available state for those wishing to become nurses. This is supposedly 63% higher than the national average Nurse salary.

Nurse Job Viewpoint

If you complete, nurses in California, you can relish outstanding job security for many years to come. According to analysis, from 2018 to 2022 above 22,000 jobs will be placed representing a 7.85% rise in nurse jobs across the state. Though the demand for Nurse is high, you can imagine a competitive field as more and more students choose nursing as their career. The state’s largest hospitals and most admired long-term care facilities, cosmetic surgery offices, and even reintegration centers will continue to grow, adding to the demand for RNs.

How to Become a Nurse in California?

It is expected that some 20,637 new Nurse positions will become available in CA, and most of these positions will be in cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and the Riverside-San Bernardino zone. To become a nurse in California, you must be an ADN or BSN degree from a nursing school accepted by the California Board of Registered Nursing. You must also permit the NCLEX-RN examination to practice as a nurse in this state.

“It’s not too late to start your journey of Nurse, so start today itself whether you are male or female.”

Types of Nurse in California

It can be hard to decide which nursing specialty to go for, but we’re here to help. After analyzing the role employers are hiring for in California this year, we came up with a list of 16 different types of nurses in California including their wages, growth potential, and required nursing degrees.

Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)

  • Median salary – $37,486
  • Required degree education- A approved state education program, on the job training
  • Work Area – Nursing care facilities, hospitals, and long-term care facilities

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)

  • Median salary – $56,102
  • Required degree education – 1,530 total hours: Theory – 576 hours; clinical – 954 hours. Includes Pharmacology Hours of 54.
  • Work Area – Nursing care facilities, hospitals, physician offices, home health care

Registered Nurse (RN)

  • Median salary – $72,580
  • Required degree education – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN)

Surgical Assistant Registered Nurse

  • Median salary – $112,733
  • Required degree education – Bachelor of Science degree (or higher) Associate degree in nursing
  • Work Area – Hospitals

Home Care Registered Nurse

  • Median salary – $89,054
  • Required degree education – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN)
  • Work Area – patient homes

Emergency Room Registered Nurse

  • Median salary – $87,943
  • Required degree education – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN)
  • Work Area – Emergency rooms

Labor and Delivery Nurse

  • Median salary – $84,700
  • Required degree education – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN)
  • Work Area – Hospitals, private care facilities

Clinical Nurse Supervisor

  • Median salary – $76,673
  • Required degree education – Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN)
  • Work Area – Hospitals, long-term care facilities

Nurse Case Manager

  • Median salary – $94,789
  • Required degree education – A Bachelor’s Degree BSN in Nursing
  • Work Area – Hospital, nursing home, industrial environment

Critical Care Registered Nurse

  • Median salary – $93,073
  • Required degree education – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN)
  • Work Area – Intensive Care Units, specialty hospitals

Oncology Registered Nurse

  • Median salary – $88,006
  • Required degree education – Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Associate’s Degree in Nursing (ADN)
  • Work Area – Hospitals

Health Informatics Nurse Specialist

  • Median salary – $104,890
  • Required degree education – A master’s degree in health informatics and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
  • Work Area – Information Systems department of healthcare organizations

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)

  • Median salary – $143,339
  • Required degree education – a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
  • Work Area – Physician offices, hospitals, outpatient care centers

Clinical Nurse Specialist

  • Median salary – $124,228
  • Necessary Education – Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
  • Work Area- Hospitals, Clinic

Nurse Practitioner

  • Median salary – $127,905
  • Required degree education – a bachelor’s degree with state licensure and specialization
  • Work Area – Physician offices, Hospitals

Nurse Educator

  • Median salary – $114,688
  • Required degree education – An MSN degree is a Master’s degree in Nursing
  • Work Area – Academic Settings, Clinics, Hospitals

Note:- Salary depends on several factors such as higher education, additional skills, city, experience, and certification.

What is The Normal Salary of a Nurse in California?

This figure can differ created on your city of home, your employer, and your complete nursing experience.


How much is the nurses salary?

Nurses control patient care and instruct patients and their families about numerous health conditions. There are many chances to work as a Nurse at hospitals across the country in the necessity of nursing staff, and these jobs can earn higher salaries than similar staff positions.

Nurse earned a gross average weekly salary of $1,716 per week working a regular of 36 hours per week. It includes non-taxable compensation like living stipends, meal stipends, and housing which add up to a steady value of $1,388 per week.

How much a nurse can earn in California?

Nurse in California can earn between $65000 and $150000 depending on several unique factors. Around 10% of nurses earn above $150000, which is the top pay rate in the state of California. About 10% of RNs earn under $65000, which is considered an entry-level salary. If you are knowledgeable, and if you work for the same employer for many years, you can earn a salary at the higher end of the scale.

You will also earn extra if you work in extremely populated areas like Los Angeles or San Francisco. If you are fresh to the nursing job, you will earn a salary on the lower end of this scale.

BSN and ADN Salary California

The average salary for an ADN nurse in California is $100,990 and the average salary for a BSN nurse is $109,900.Nurse careers include jobs that ensure the safety and well-being of the public. It is their duty to monitor patients, document their intake, and carry out other basic health-related procedures. An associate degree in nursing (ADN) is more focused on a clinical field a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (BSN) can incorporate any area of nursing while pursuing research in some areas.

The BSN nurse is more educated and experienced than the ADN nurse. To get your ADN and BSN degree in Nursing you have to pass the NCLEX exam.

Nursing Post NameSalary Per Annum
Nursing Assistant $33,560
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational $53,600
Nursing Instructor and Teachers $94,670
Registered Nurse $1,02,700
Nurse Practitioner $1,26,770
Nurse Midwives Assistant $1,32,480
Nurse Anesthetist $2,17,230

Where does Nurse make the best money?

In locations where there is a better conditions for nursing staff, pay tends to be higher. Some states also have a higher cost of living so employers offer higher compensation compared to those costs.

Keep in mind, that each state has definite licensing requirements. Nurses in California tend to earn extra than many other kinds of healthcare workers.

What are the most common benefits for a Nurse?

While there are many benefits to working as a nurse, the best common benefits included as compensation are housing salaries, meal incomes, and health insurance.

Be assured to evaluate how your benefits are taxed because this can affect your net income. For example, if you qualify as having a permanent tax home, many of these salaries are tax-free, which can mean thousands of dollars in savings.

Do Nursing is Still a Great Career Choice in the US

The normal nurse salary is higher than the average national salary in the US and unemployment is low at 1.2%. There are also loads of opportunities for nurses to grow their income through specialization or promotion.

Besides, the job of nurse expert ranked #3 in the US top 100 jobs for 2021. This ranking considers not only salary and job opportunities, but also factors like job satisfaction, the possibility for progression, stress stages, and work-life stability.

Closing Thoughts

Nurses in California with a BSN degree will be in high demand in the next period. The Bureau of Labor Statistics imagines the occupation to grow 16% by 2024, opening up 440,000 new jobs. Also, nurses are predicted to increase more than a quarter of a million jobs by 2022.

Do you think you have to become a nurse in the future? Let us know in the comment section.

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