How to Become a Notary Public in California – The Ultimate Guide

The Notary Public is a government official who is authorized by state law to certify documents and take acknowledgments of the documents. They are also allowed to administer oaths and take sworn statements. In California, you can become a Notary Public by passing the appropriate notarial test. This guide will cover everything you need to know about becoming a Notary in the Golden State, including how much it costs.

What is a Notary Public in California?

A Notary Public is an official who is authorized by state law to certify documents and take acknowledgments of the documents. They are also allowed to administer oaths and take sworn statements. In California, you can become a Notary Public by passing the appropriate notarial test.

Become a Notary Public
Notary Public by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0

How to Become a Notary Public in California

In order to become a Notary Public in California, you will need to meet the following qualifications:


• Candidate age should be 18 years old
• The candidate must resident of California
• The candidate should not have committed serious offenses like murder, dacoit, and rape. You can check a list through Notary Public Disciplinary Guidelines.
• The candidate must undergo a Live fingerprint test for criminal background checks. The state department of justice provides the Live Scan locations in California.

Training requirements

The applicant must be required to complete a 6 hours training course, which is approved by the state’s office of secretary. And if your current commission expires, you also need to complete a 3 hours course to renew your non-expired notary commission.

You can check out approved education providers through the California state’s secretary.

Take a Notary Exam

All new or renewing candidates must have passed a written, proctored exam for becoming a notary public in California. This exam is conducted by a private Cooperative Personnel Service (CPS) and the passing mark for this exam is 70%.

You can check your exam details like- exam date, registration details, and other exam information through the CPS website. Or, You can contact them at (916) 263-3520 for exam questions like – where will the exam be conducted, what will be the timing of the exam, what documents will be required for the exam, etc.

These documents are mandatory in the exam

  • Photo ID
  • Payment receipt
  • Notary application Form
  • 2″x2″ color passport photo (not an actual passport, just the photo)
  • Certificate of Completion from the Training Course

Note – You can get the notary application form from the state website. Your course provider will give you a certificate of completion at the end of the course.

Live Fingerprint Scan

The candidate must undergo a live fingerprint test for criminal background checks. The state department of justice provides the Live Scan locations in California.

In the process, you will have to pay up to around $10 for fingerprint scanning but some private live scan locations charge up to $60.

Notarial Supplies

Once you have met all of the above requirements, you will receive a written notification for your application asking whether you are capable of becoming a notary public in California. If you meet all the requirements, you can purchase your notary supplies from certified companies. When you have received your commission, you can purchase your ink stamp and well-bond journal.

The seal can be rectangular or circular:-

• Rectangular seal size- no larger than 2.5″ x 1″
• Circular seal size- no larger than 2″ in diameter

The seal must have the following information within a sinuous or milled edge border:

(1) Your name (same as the notary form)
(2) The California state seal
(3) Seal manufacturer identification number
(4) Your commission expiration date
(5) Your Notary commission number
(6) The county in which your oath and bond are filed

Surety Bond

In California, you must obtain a $15,000 bond from an authorized company to act as a notary. The surety signer promises that they will be compensated for damages if you fail to discharge your responsibilities honestly and diligently.

How much does it cost to become a Notary Public?

The total cost is $242 to become a Notary Public in California. There may also be additional fees depending on the location of your office.


If you’re interested in becoming a Notary Public in California, this guide will tell you everything you need to know. For how to become a Notary Public in California, this article will answer all of your questions.

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